Discussion / Event
Published: 15/05/2006
Gender budget is a tool to build gender equality, equity, and balance. Moreover, gender budget is a necessity that should be immediately carried out by the central and regional governments, along with the issuing of a number of gender-mainstreaming policies. The urgency of gender budget has encouraged various NGOs to advocate to the central and regional governments regarding the implementation of gender-mainstreaming policies to alleviate poverty in Indonesia, where women are also included.
The advocacy of gender budget was started in 2000 by several CSO members of the Gender Budget Analysis forum working at the national level with networks in regions as well as forum members working at the regional level. In the national level, this forum conducts advocacy for gender budget by urging MPR (People’s Consultative Assembly) to allocate 30% of the State Budget for the education sector, 15% for health and 5% for women’s empowerment (TAP MPR No. 6/2002). At the regional level, this forum supports the local government to allocate a sensitive-gender budget, as conducted in West Sumatera along with the Local Government and Regional House of Representatives, to analyze the impacts of the Regional Budget for men, women, and girls.
In order to measure impacts of the implementation of gender budget advocacy, Women Research Institute conducted a research in 6 regions, i.e. South Sulawesi, NTB, NTT, East Java, Yogyakarta, and Solo. The field study conducted by the research team during February-May 2006 gained primary data from the interview results and secondary data which related to budget policy in every region, including the Regional Budget, RASK and DASK.
In writing the research report, there was a need to share opinions and experiences with other researchers/NGOs with experiences in budget analysis and gender budgeting advocacy. This was important to assist WRI’s researcher team who were engaged in the effort to analyze budget-related documents in every research area.
- Share experiences from the interim results of the impacts of the gender budget program study in WRI’s research area
- Gain useful recommendations for the outputs of WRI’s research findings
- Gain insights for WRI’s analysis of the Regional Budget analysis, particularly on whether it is suitable with previous analyses and adheres to the standard of budget analysis based on the logics of budget analysis)
- Follow up for the recommendation in the outcomes of the research.
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Studi Dampak Advokasi Anggaran Berkeadilan Gender