Buku / Publikasi

Published: 04/11/2013

This book is based on Women Research Institute’s study on “Feminist Leadership in the Post Authoritarian Regime in Indonesia: Its Impact on Social Movements and Women’s Welfare” (2012). The goal of the research was to capture the landscape of women’s leadership in Indonesia after the downfall of Suharto in 1998.

There were not many studies and analysis on the condition of Indonesian women in the post 1998 period. Studies on the role of feminist leadership in making democracy gender responsive during post 1998 social transformation period were practically non-existent.


This writing is a description on women’s leadership, as part of Feminist Leadership in Post Authoritarian Indonesia, Its Influence on Social Movement and Correlation to the Improvement of Women’s Welfare – Case Studies of Five Areas of Jakarta, Lampung, North Sumatera, Padang and Lombok.


Research conducted by Women Research Institute (WRI) is an attempt to describe not only women’s organizations and their works but also women’s leadership viewed as suitable for women’s organizations in Indonesia. WRI chooses five areas in Indonesia to represent how women’s organizations address women’s issues. Moreover, this research also attempts to describe women’s concerns and challenges that are addressed or will be addressed by women’s organizations.


This research also attempts to examine and understand forms of women’s power emerging from this social movement and its social, cultural and political implication in individual, family, civil society organizations and the general public levels.


Authors: Ayu Anastasia, Edriana Noerdin, Frisca Anindhita, Rahayuningtyas, Sita Aripurnami

Publisher: Women Research Institute, 2013

Pages: xiii + 192 pages

ISBN: 978-602-9230-03-1

Price: IDR. 75.000,-


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