Policy Brief / Publikasi

Published: 02/04/2015

Based on a research conducted by Women Research Institute in Siak Regency and Pelalawan Regency in Riau Province, women’s participation in decision making process of forest concession was not yet taken into account eventhough they played a significant role in managing the land. The government has not yet paid particular attention towards women’s involvement as reflected in policies on forest concession which do not provide enough room for women’s participation.

Among the 20 regulations on forest concession mandating public participation, there was only one regulation that specifically requires women’s participation, namely Law No.7/2012 on Social Conflict Handling. According to the law, conflicts that often happen due to forest concession need to be handled under the principle of gender equality. It means that both men and women should be given equal right to participate. The principle of gender equality in handling social conflict reflected in the involvement of men and women in the efforts of conflict resolution.

Other than mentioning community involvement in general, Law No. 7/2012 also regulates the forming of Social Conflict Resolution Task Force as one of the efforts to overcome social conflicts. Furthermore, the law requires women’s participation in Social Conflict Resolution Task Force as much as 30% at the least of the total members. It is expected that women take part in overcoming social problems happening in their environment, particularly social conflicts.



Policy Brief 2015_WRI_Policy on Women’s Participation in Forest Concession