Policy Brief / Publikasi
Published: 10/04/2015
Approaching the end of the 2015 Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), Indonesia still records a poor mark for the fifth target of the MDGs, which is reducing the Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR). The Government of Indonesia, however, is still working to lower the MMR through its National Health Insurance (JKN) program. With the ratification of Law No. 24/2011 on the National Social Security Agency (BPJS), all forms of social security are gradually converted to the National Health Insurance (JKN), including Maternity Insurance (Jampersal). Previously focusing on midwifery services, it is now integrated within the National Health Insurance system and is part of the maternal and child healthcare. People’s enthusiasm to use JKN healthcare under the BPJS Health scheme is mirrored in the number of participants that exceeded the target.
The data of BPJS Health per 30 June 2014 shows that the total number of registered BPJS Health participants has reached 124,553,040 lives. This sum total has met the target of annual participants, which is a minimum of 121 million lives.
However, in the field, there are several issues experienced by JKN participants, particularly women intending to use the midwifery service. Women Research Institute (WRI) has identified a number of obstacles faced by JKN participants in the implementation of midwifery services.