Agenda Kegiatan / Event
Published: 10/01/2014
This public seminar is WRI’s medium for disseminating its research findings on women DPR-RI members’ roles and forms of representation as well as gender equality policies to DPR RI members, CSO, and the public. Pursuant to its findings, WRI also gave a number of recommendations for the legislative process of the Gender Equality and Equity Bill, which is expected to be able to push for the ratification of the Bill.
The seminar will be held on:
Day/date : Thursday, 16 January 2014
Time : 09.30 – 13.30 WIB
Venue : Magzi Ballroom, Grand Kemang Hotel. Jl. Kemang Raya 2H, South Jakarta
To confirm your attendance, please contact WRI’s office (contact person: Dewi Bustami) at
Phone: (021) 79187149, 7987345. Email: