Published: 10/08/2024
On August 7, 2024, Women Research Institute together with Westminster Foundation for Democracy conducted a survey and Focus Group Discussion (FGD) as part of a research series on Violence Against Women in Politics (VAW) during the 2024 General Election. This activity aims to reveal the scale and impact of VAW, as well as develop effective policy recommendations to prevent and address this issue in the future.
KTPP is a serious problem that hinders women’s political participation and leadership in Indonesia. The Westminster Foundation for Democracy survey (2022) revealed that 88% of women in politics in Indonesia have experienced violence and harassment. The 2024 elections show that LTTE remains a significant challenge, even though gender quotas have increased women’s representation in politics. Many women who have invested in building a support base are defeated by “dawn attack” practices and vote buying.
This survey and FGD collected data from women involved in politics at various levels. We believe that by listening to their experiences and perspectives, we can together create a safer and more inclusive political environment for women.
Please support and follow the progress of this activity to strengthen women’s leadership in politics!
#WomenResearchInstitute #ViolenceAgainstWomen #Election2024 #Women’sLeadership #FGDWRI #StopKTPP #InclusivityInPolitics