Capacity Building / Study Visit
Published: 28/06/2013
In the effort to support public policy researches, strengthen Civil Society Organization (CSO) members-based advocacy, and ensure that the legislative process to be more effective, transparent and representative of the citizens’ interests, the Representation Program facilitates beneficiaries of its funds to establish a network of public policy research organizations (Policy Research Network/PRN). PRN consists of five Research Institutes, namely LPEM (The Institute for Economic and Social Research – Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia), PPPI (Paramadina Public Policy Institute – Paramadina University), WRI (Women Research Institute), IRE (Institute for Research and Empowerment), and CSIS (Centre for Strategic and International Studies).
In order to support the PRN management, all PRN members including Women Research Institute, which in this occasion was represented by Director of Research Edriana Noerdin, conducted a visit to the Public Policy Research Institute in Washington D.C., the United States. The purpose of this visit was to conduct a study on how to manage a research network and how this network can influence public policy. Participants of the visit were also expected to share experiences and knowledge on the extent of research processes and outcomes in influencing policy making. Other than that, participants could also learn about policy research network-based experiences in managing challenges as well as maximizing power and opportunities to maintain the network and its influence to policy makers.
The Think Tanks visited during the study visit were:
The Urban Institute. The Urban Institute conducts researches, evaluates programs, offers foreign technical assistance, and educates on social and economic issues in order to push for a healthy public policy and effective government. In addition, Urban Institute provides education and knowledge on social challenges and national economy. They also perform proof-based researches to analyze problems, seek the best policies and programs, as well as determine for whom and how they should be carried out.
The International Center for Research on Women (ICRW). ICRW is a research institute that aims to empower women in developing countries to be involved in the efforts of alleviating global poverty. ICRW’s research findings are expected to enhance appreciation for women’s rights, ensure gender equality and create a condition where all women can develop.