Capacity Building / Workshop

Published: 31/05/2007

Capacity building activities for WRI staff have been designed to boost their confidence as well as increase their competency in formulating, implementing, and monitoring an appropriate or workable strategy, and evaluate its effects within a certain time period. As a research institute, WRI staff must obtain adequate experience to implement qualitative research as well as qualitative research. Also, acquaire competency in doing profound analyzes in order to contribute to the improvement of the quality of the condition and position of women in Indonesia. Therefore, WRI staff attended the Conference and the Workshop at the Summer Institute on Migration (SIM) on Quezon City, Philippines, May 6-29, 2007.


The Objectives of Activities

This activities have many purposes:

  1. To increase the knowledge about Women’s Human Rights in international level and national level by participating in the 9th Annual International Women’s Human Rights (IWHR) Conference.

  2. To increase the knowledge about Migration in many dimensions by participating in the Workshop at the Summer Institute on Migration (SIM).

  3. To build networking with women organizations in Philippines.

  4. To learn more from the experinces and activities of participants and women organizations to get initiatif in producing better strategies on how to increase women’s ability to create access to resources especially in dealing with local authorities to demand their participation.


Output of Activities





Participated in the 9th Annual International Women’s Human Rights (IWHR) Conference


  1. Increasing the knowledge about International Women’s Human Rights and International Agreement related to it
  2. Getting the knowledge to analyze the problem and the position of women not only in International level but also in national level by using Women Human Rights perspective
  3. Building networking with other participant that come from many countries: USA, China, Cambodia, and Philippines


Develop networking with women organizations in the Philippines


  1. Meeting with 7 women organizations in Quezon City, Philippines. They are CATW-AP (Coalition Againts Trade Women-Asia Pacific), Likhaan, Women Health, WAND, Saligan, Kanlungan, and W-Lead.
  2. Sharing about different issues depend on the focus of organizations, such as:
  • CATW-AP: trafficking, legal advocacy for trafficking and migrant workers laws, research, and capacity building for women. Most of them are women migrant workers
  • Likhaan: legal advocacy about reproductive health policy and services to women that have problem about their reproductive health
  • Women Health: struggling the reproductive health rights, research, and legal advocacy
  • WAND: gender budgeting
  • Saligan: legal advocacy
  • Kanlungan: legal advocacy for migrant workers policy, services for women migrant workers that get the problems, and capacity building to women migrant workers in knowledge and economic
  • W-Lead: legal services and advocacy for women and girl-children
  1. Sharing a lot of themes with the those organizations, including the activities of organizations, the strategy of organizations to survive, the problems of organizations and the strategics to solvethe problem of organizations, and the networking of organizations.
  2. Getting the agreement with those organizations to keep networking and sharing after the first meeting


There are 2 organizations that WRI visited in the Philippines. First is Visayan Forum. Visayan Forum is a women organization that focus on trafficking issues on women and children. Visayan Forum gives them the services including psychological and capacity building. Most of the victims are women migrant workers. Second is Migrant Forum in Asia (MFA). MFA is an international organizations located in Philippines that focus on advancing migrants struggle for rights and justice. The executive director of the first organization attended the meeting in Province in the middle of course. In the same time, the executive director of the second organization attended the international meeting of migrants in Bangkok, Thailand.

Participated in the Workshop at the Summer Institute on Migration (SIM)


  1. Increasing the knowledge about Migrations in many dimensions, such as social, cultural, economic, research, processes, law, human rights, policy, etc.
  2. Getting the knowledge to analyze the problem and the position of women migrant workers in many dimensions.
  3. Building networking with other participant that come from many countries: Singapore, Japan, China, France, and Philippines




The Achievement of Programme


There are some achievements of this programme. First, WRI staff has increased the capacity in Women Human Rights by participating in the 9th Annual International Women’s Human Rights (IWHR) Conference. WRI staff can also get the sencitiveness in analyzing the condition and position of women in Human Rights perspective by using CEDAW and another. Besides, WRI staff gets more knowledges and experiences from Philippinos and another country in Migration issues by participating in the Workshop at the Summer Institute on Migration (SIM). Participating in that workshop has opened the mind of WRI staff in analyzing migrants issues in many dimensions.


Secondly, the WRI staff has built networking with the several persons. WRI staff has built the networking with Miriam College-Women And Gender Institute (WAGI) as the organizer of the workshop and the conference. Miriam College-WAGI is the center for research, training, and advocacy on women’s rights, gender equality, and non-sexist learning in support of leadership of young women and students.


The other networking has built by WRI staff with the several women organizations in Philippines: CATW-AP (Coalition Againts Trade Women-Asia Pacific), Likhaan, Women Health, WAND, Saligan, Kanlungan, and W-Lead. These women organizations has given some experiences in many issues related to the focus of that organzations. WRI staff gets some experiences in issues of reproductive health, the women rights in reproductive health, the services of reproductive health, women migrants workers, the advocacy and the services of women migrant workers, the policy advocacy, and legal advocacy. Besides, WRI staff gets some various activities and strategies to increase the women capacity. Moreover, there is women organization that give the guarantee and willing to register WRI in international networking. WRI staff also built network with other participants of the conference and workshop. To keep the networking with other participants, WRI staff has all the contacts/mailing list.


All of those achievements may give benefits for the organization. The increasing knowledge and capacity of WRI staff on Women’s human rights and migration may increase the quality in organizing research and advocacy activities. Besides, WRI staff can contribute to produce the strategies from other women organizations and participant of the conference and workshop on how to increase women’s ability to create access to resources especially in dealing with local authorities to demand their participation. Moreover, networking with other women organizations and participants of the workshop and conference will expand WRI’s horizon and access to information sharing with them. ***



