Policy Brief / Publication
Published: 24/10/2013
The pattern of relation between women and men in public policy still shows forms of inequality. One indicators of women’s welfare is maternal mortality rate (MMR) and the number of seats for women in parliament. MMR in Indonesia is still high, which stood at 228/100.000 live births; whereas the percentage of women’s political representation in the parliament is still below the target of 30% quota. This policy brief is one of the results of WRI’s research on Members of the House of Representatives of Women and Gender Equality Policy. This policy brief shows the importance of the Gender Equality and Equity Bill.
Women’s representation in political and parliamentary provide more opportunity of raising women’s issues to become a priority. Indeed, there have been policies that promote gender equality, one of which is the General Election law number 8 of 2012 about 30% quota for women in the legislative. However, in practice this quota has not been reached.
As the Gender Equality and Equity Bill set as a priority bill by the House of Representatives of Indonesia then there is a hope for the realization of gender equality in Indonesia, although the bill still raises many pros and cons. Therefore, this policy brief will also discuss policy recommendations to the process of drafting the bill.
Policy Brief The Gender Equality and Equity Bill & Women’s Political Representation