Capacity Building / Training

Published: 15/02/2011

At present there are 101 women elected House of Representatives (DPR) RI, that number is equal to 18 percent of all elected legislators. Elected women legislators are some of them are in the commission which is one of the House fittings. Generally speaking, women legislators has spread almost evenly across the field of the commission that there is a relatively even with the amount varies. Is the fact that women members of parliament should be able to work extra hard in the middle of male dominance and patriakhi perspective that is so strong. The women legislators are joining the Women’s Parliamentary Caucus of the Republic of Indonesia (KPP-RI). LTO-RI serves as a container of capacity building, study skills and perform political roles that are mandated to them. For this purpose, the LTO-RI did a lot of cooperation with various parties in an attempt to synergize the strength in time the capacity of women parliamentarians can truly optimized.

Women Research Institute (WRI) is a research institute that uses the methodology and feminist analysis, by placing women and men in a fair and equal position in the social, political, economic and cultural. WRI One important finding in his research on prospective members of parliament is still lack of knowledge and awareness of significant gender effect on the display and the programs that brought in their campaign. On the other hand, WRI also concerned about the potential and capacity perempun MPs in particular the House of Representatives, which could respond to the needs of citizens as voiced by many parties, both from the community, non-governmental organizations and government agencies.

Based on some basic thoughts on the above, WRI and LTO-RI cooperate to hold the “Training Strategy & Analysis of Women Members of Parliament and Political Parties”. The aims of this event are:

  1. Strengthening capabilities in a comprehensive study of gender in the political field by identifying and assessing strategic issues.

  2. Provides an understanding of the opportunities and challenges of political work field through one political product called Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) as a workable international agreement that binds the State.

  3. Increase understanding of the Gender Justice Budget



  1. The trainees are expected to have additional knowledge and skills in a comprehensive study of gender in the political field by identifying strategic issues.

  2. Participants have an understanding of the MDGs, as one means of political work and understand the opportunities and challenges in implementing a program to achieve the MDGs.

  3. Participants have an understanding of gender-just budget.



Training is guided by Sita Aripurnami, M. Sc; Myra Diarsi, MA and Edriana Noerdin, MA is not merely to review the concepts of gender and how it related to the world of women and politics, but moving more towards the enrichment of skills of participants in identifying gender issues and a strategy that required more active in encouraging women to voice and promote the policy and budget allocation are gender equitable.

Enrichment of business knowledge and skills reinforced by the presence of speakers who are experts in their fields, namely: Chusnul Mar’iyah, PhD (Former Member of the Commission 2002-2007, Lecturer of Political Science University of Indonesia); Ganjar Pranowo (Member of Parliament 2009-2014, PDIP faction ), Diah Samiarsih (Special Assistant to the Presidential Envoy MDG Acceleration and Synergy Community Affairs); Lena Maryana Mukti (former member of the House of Representatives from 2004 to 2009, the Board DPP PPP) and also Masruchah (Commissioner National Commission for Women).


Training participants are women MPs and Members of Parliament elected from political parties like the Democratic Party, Golkar, PDIP, PKS, PAN, PKB, PPP, Gerindra and Hanura, Member of the DPD and the Women’s Parliamentary Caucus Provincial / District Municipalities.

Training Process 

Day One, Tuesday, February 8, 2011

At the opening of the LTO-RI Chairman Timo Pangerang Andi said that the representation of women is not simply increase the number. But more important is to fill the programs in parliament. The presence of women legislators is expected to make a contribution. Caucus itself is present and there for the expansion of the horizon, capacity building and enrichment of women MPs. The existence of very high expectations of women legislators make the task of LTO-RI not only in parliament but also pay attention to the cadre of women in political parties. LTO-RI feel any political party cadres are still less attention to women. Andi Timo Pangerang hope the women from political parties and parliament to benefit from these training activities.

Furthermore, as the director of WRI’s Aripurnami Sita said that the training was held to help answer the needs of policy. WRI itself is a research institute that conducts research methodologies and gender analysis. Activities among others, to review the methodology of gender and conduct capacity building training activities such as this. WRI is also very concerned with the activities of the women who had been elected in the parliament and women active in political parties in order to work better for the interests of women and society.


The first session began with introductions of participants and event organizers. Some of the participants are women who failed to elect candidates in the 2009 election. Activities of the candidates have to be a skilled staff member was elected, but they are still active in political activism that overshadowed them.
WRI hope this training could make a woman can and can speak in the political sphere. While LTO-RI is specifically expect WRI can provide support for the legislation work is being done. As was initiated by Bill (the Bill) for Gender Justice that carried the Democratic Party.

Gender Work in Politics

Chusnul Mar’iyah, Ph.D., Former Member of the Commission 2002-2007, Lecturer of Political Science University of Indonesia


The first informant Chusnul Mar’iyah, Ph.D deliver material on gender and democracy. Chusnul opened the session with the participants the basic questions about what it is politics and why women want active in politics. Why women enter parliament, why do women want to be a vice-regent or regent. The answer from the participant extremely varied, including; Women want to fix the nation and it can only be done by going into the political system in order to trust the people; politics can change things, designing or making undang-undang/legislasi; Politics is a strategy; Fulfilling the wishes and interests; Battles interests to the needs of the people and politics is the space where we must struggle to fight for our needs.

Political science is talking about power, talk about the country. Talk about the distribution of resources. Politics is the decision making process. Harold D Lasswell declared politics is about WHO get, and Pls and how. Who gets what, when and how. Simple but extraordinary meaning. Politics for the public good is usually only when the pre-election jargon and forgotten after the election. Politics is the matter of power, for-for the position.

Elections yesterday terlau much money politics. But hopefully it’s not done by a female candidate even though there are women candidates who do. Many sound manipulation conducted by Election Commission, Election Commission. That also happened in the 2004 election. There are several members of the Election Commission which was dismissed at that time was unknown how the political parties lie to myself and the people.

Politics can be dirty due to there elbow elbow position should be here. Women go to fix the nation. Therefore do not be shy women are expected to represent women. Personal is political when we talk about a feminist perspective. Example in cases of rape in Aceh. In that case the female reproductive organs of state. It does not only happen in Indonesia, Pakistan and the conflict in Bosnia noted that the female reproductive organs serve the purpose of violence. In order to destroy the opponent, then who is the daughter destroyed. Women are used as a tool.

What is parliament? Parle it means speaking in French. When a member of the House does not ever talk, then do not be a member of the House. Why quota of 30 percent is important? Because women are alone, 30 percent required for women’s voices could be heard. Quota is a minimum quota of women. Even before there was a proposal for 32 percent.

Furthermore, what is democracy? Democracy is freedom of opinion, there is the same space. In political science, in a democracy there are three important indicators are: competition, should not use violence. All you need is a process built a political party or leadership cadre. Full participation, there should not be marginalized adult citizens in political processes. And civil freedom, no freedom of association, where women have been co-opted 32 years his organization. How women can be a leader if he did not organize. Therefore if women in political parties should be actively working.

The elections were ready to win also ready to lose. Therefore need a good calculation if you want to run. Women should take note of what women experience in the political process. How to deal with the executive and also how to deal with constituents. Democracy in this context, women have full participation in all political processes and decision making. Organize, organize and express opinions are right.

Gender itself is a construct in our thinking. Politics is public, so difficult to get women in public spaces. In regard to gender there are public and domestic spaces, many women in the domestic sphere.

Indonesia’s political party is a lot of construction. Construction of our nation plural, when closed will clog. To threeshold, but do not be a national urban districts. Included in the party, try to be included in the candidate selection team. Never change the system into the district if they do not understand. Around the world, women friendly system that is proportional system. Take the position of number one or number two. Proportionately more favorable to women.

Seized political power, but rebutlah power with ethics. Problem of money politics can not be eliminated. There should be a rule for tough sanctions against money politics. The number of women will not increase if there is still money politics. Democratization is open, very troubling. Women are not helpless in vote fraud. Women defeated by money.
Politics of money, since the Commission had already initiated the rules for spending. Spendingnya should be restricted as in England. For campaign spending rules, we make contribution limits, spending limits. Back in context, in party politics enter, enter in the elections without money can not.


INSIGHT Gender Work in Politics

This session will review the material before and tried to re-sharpen participants’ understanding of gender. How does gender work in perspective, the behavior of both individuals and organizations. Women already present in politics, but his voice was faint. Politics of presence of women is still minimal.

Lack of supporting system for women. Both in public and domestic spaces. We always considered liyan (the other). Politics of presence of women has not been considered sound due to external as well internal factors. There is also a culture shock. Norma community formation was also preserved by the women.

To be more clear understanding of gender, explained about gender differences and gender or sex. The so-called sex is the biological and be persistent. The rest is the formation or the social construction comes from the community. Men are also subjected to gender. But many of the losers are women because men are considered productive and able to be a leader.

Unconscious gender into all dimensions of politics, law, religion, (social institutions). They are concerned that it is sustainable. This is called patriarchy, where men favored.

For example about reproductive health, contraception only to women being chased, whereas fertile women only three to seven days. There are power relations, power relations. There are power relations based on gender. This power relation is lame. Power relations that occur between men and women are unequal relations. Resolving the issue of gender is difficult because the problem is in ourselves. The goal is not to move the position of women, but how equality is built.


Strategies and Field Women’s Legislative Work

Ganjar Pranowo, Member of Parliament 2009-2014, PDIP faction


Informant Ganjar Pranowo deliver a presentation titled “There’s No Democracy Without the Representation of Women”. MPs battlefield is legislation, budget and oversight. Political parties too much, how to reduce the democratic way. Who are the enemies in the parliament? Which one is better or serial number of votes. How could the party stronger if stabbing his own friends.

Looking at the legislative council politics for five years. At the time of entry, women politicians are not consolidated. It is important to get into the body of legislation. Big problem is the presence of female politicians railing and fencing party faction.

Women though few have well consolidated. Examples of time Eva struggling for political parties. Problem stewardship of the party at the central level should be 30 percent. In escorting a legislative initiative precedence. Ministry of women is not strong for this escort. There is a small team preparing to escort each bill. Every bill that goes to be seen what interests who wish to be included. As a matter of citizenship bill in which there are pros and cons about dual citizenship. How do they fight for it. All members of the board should be aware of the budget. Conscious of time.

As for musrenbangdes. There is one agenda in Parliament Women’s Caucus. There also are at the party. There was also discussion on the commission agenda. The thing to remember is the basis of surveillance legislation. After the legislation there is the implementation of the budget. Use our political rights ranging from the right of interpellation, the right of inquiry and the right to express opinions. The position of women today there are 101 members directly elected House of Representatives and 35 members of the DPD.
The biggest victims of the nation’s acute problems are women and children. Action agenda should be formulated for short-term and long term. Proportional also must be considered. Striving for the abolition of all laws and regulations that gender bias. Need to establish a database and how the strategy. Teams need to be made to push legislation in the rules. The aim is to encourage the birth of the laws gender-sensitive.

Are the women who want to politically well prepared. There is no regeneration in the party. Parliament one of its functions to talk. Use your time to learn from each other because there are skilled staff. Democracy will not run if his brain and his stomach hungry fools. There is no intellectual in the House. Political interests. Depending on the importance of positive or negative.

There is one law can be changed tidak tweaking. Rights of the House budget just say agree or not. Parliament can not control one at a budget done. Problem funds aspirations. That is positive. Because it does not make a personal bag but is allocated to channel aspirations.

Zipper System be nothing. Zipper System with meaningful sequence number. Zipper System with the most votes is meaningless. Due to political parties not to be trusted, oligarchy is still there.

Day Two, Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) as a Tool of Political Work

Diah Saminarsih, Special Assistant to the President’s special envoy for the MDGs

Diah Saminarsih, as a third resource person to see the MDGs as a vision of something that initiative from the outside, Presidential Instruction (Instruction) No.3/2010 mandates relevant ministries for the implementation of the MDGs. Office of the MDGs saw the unique role of women to the achievement of other MDGs. The UN has always had a slogan, there used to be education for all, save motherhood. Framework of nation-building that is currently conceived is the MDGs.

His background as there are nations whose construction is lame. Then initiated by Kofi Anan, the UN’s commitment to raise 168 countries for the welfare of its people. Development framework that is used is quantitative. There is the achievement of Indonesia in the figure. How MMR per 100,000 live births. The nature of the MDGs are quantitative. Like how many mothers who gave birth and died, how access to clean water. Reported nationally to the Agency. We do not have relied on sheer numbers, where prosperous no one so poor and there is nothing very hungry.

Countries committed people should not be poor. The bottom line is three namely health, education and the environment. Wrapped by a fairly good economic empowerment. Actually, the main core of the MDGs is the quality of human development. Judging from the Human Develoment Index (HDI). How the 180 million people have good quality.
Indonesia in 2000 signed the ratification of the MDGs. The government started mainstreaming the MDGs in RJPMM, lifting Nina Moeloek. Since 2010 acceleration done seriously.
Presidential Instruction No. 3 / 2010:

  1. Pro people
  2. Justice for sema
  3. Achievement of the MDGs

Down to the county for MDG campaigners. The existence of regional action plan for the district. Barriers welfare is the large population. Welfare inequality occurs quite visible in Papua, Maluku, East Nusa Tenggara and South Sulawesi. Eastern Indonesia accounted for the highest maternal mortality rate, as well as the prevalence of AIDS which is quite high.

Education, especially education of women is to be strengthened to achieve the MDGs. The higher the education, the more the problem is resolved. Very sad the number of women homemakers who are infected with HIV / AIDS, together with a number of commercial sex workers (CSWs) who are infected.

Welfare indicators:

  1. Food is quite
  2. Clothing
  3. Sense of security (from domestic violence)
  4. Access to health
  5. Access to education

The role of women to rise up and go back to constituents. If men do not partner with us, we will be hard to achieve the MDGs. How and cooperation platform. MDG is achieved when there is a triangular partnership between government, civil society and the private sector.

Although the MDG target by 2015 but is expected vision of 2015 is still running. After that the MDGs are expected to move toward the qualitative. For education Indonesia had 90 percent, could be said has been reached. About strategy, due to limited resources, so far it does is go to these areas. More diayomi eastern Indonesia. MDGs is also being advocated trying to enter the curriculum.


The Budget for Gender Justice

Edriana Noerdin, Program Director of Women’s Research Institute

This session began with the original question, what is called a gender budget? Budget in favor of the interests of women. The point is the welfare of society. Budget as a political process, arena competition over resources. How many ministries, how many departments, there is a struggle for public resources. Society is concerned for the welfare of the actor. The budget is a mandate that is deposited on the stakeholders to be allocated and distributed.

But from exposure Ganjar Pranowo previously known that the function of legislation just approved budget or not. Because the budget is basically set by government. In the MPR any provision of 5 percent budget for gender mainstreaming.

How to use gender analysis from planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the budget. Currently in planning law, is there such a thing musrenbang. How can people participate in these musrenbang. Do not get community participation in musrenbang just be a formality. Must be escorted up to the top. Gender responsive budget must be viewed from the benefits, whether benefits are equitably between men and women, access, participation and how to exercise control.

The Importance of Gender Justice Budget. The importance of the budget allocated to health. It is important also to identify the problem. For example, for education, where the budget soared but not used properly. Many female members of parliament but do not have background on gender budget or politics, so this should be an improvement.

The program must be specific about what is done, measurable, should be achievable, realistic (not to be pompous) and no time limit. Connecting government programs such as the MDGs with budgetary policy. How the budget is intended to complete the programs in the MDGs. The budget is a very important issue so hopefully this becomes a common agenda.


Strategy Achieve 30 Percent Representation of Women in the administration of the Political Party

Masruchah (Commissioner National Commission of Women) and Lena Maryana Mukti (Member of Parliament 2004-2009 and Administrator DPP United Development Party).

Principles of exposure on political parties and women’s strategies to reach 30 percent. The general objective of developing a democratic political party. To remember there is no democracy without women representation. The specific objectives of political parties is how to increase the political participation of members. The function of political parties is to conduct political education for its members.

Women in the electoral process. Political parties need the votes of women but neglectful of the interests of women. Spaces for women has not been interpreted by women as well. Gender inequalities in the lives of women. Strategic issues 30 percent of women are expected to also be applied in all organizations not only political parties.

Women as an asset. Political party system that we want is that can overshadow heterogeneity, which must be made in the state system. In South Africa introduced affirmations for blacks. Quotas are a form of affirmation.

In the Democratic Party there is a setting of 30 percent. PDIP and Golkar does not exist. MCC in the amendment process. PAN included in the transition section. PPP, PKB, Gerindra, Hanura, there in AD ARTnya.

Major parties do not exist that meet the quota. PPP itself does not have a very strict sanctions. PPP had difficulty recruiting women experience. In the political party law there is a setting of 30 percent in all levels of organization of political parties. Parties that do not meet the quota through because there is no strict sanctions.

The process of ratification of the political party law just two weeks. If the election law that would exclusively commissioned again. We will not have a chance. Because if the working committee (Panja) only members of the commission are discussed. Revision of electoral laws to dipansuskan not dipanjakan. Representation of women in political parties have not referred to court in a political party law.

101 women MPs who have not yet seen a strong power. Laying of rules that facilitate women’s entry in politics. Intervention model that can increase women’s political participation.


At the end of the session Myra Diarsi facilitator asks participants to think about and write down things that will be undertaken by participants both individually and together after the event is over. Activities to be conducted both as individuals and as a woman who has been active in politics. Participants were also asked for a commitment of Women Parliamentary Caucus to hold together and join hands in activism.

From the participants’ responses and the things that will be undertaken by participants and LTO-RI, after this meeting the participants agreed to hold another meeting at least two weeks to one month from completion of the meeting. The meeting is expected to be facilitated as a forum KPP-RI-RI activity of KPP.

Recommendations or things that will do the participants to find Women Power

  • Read and study the law of political parties and elections
  • Forward the material that has been gained from this training to the regions
  • Maintaining a 30 percent participation of women in politics
  • Opening more budget rules
  • Gather with other women in the DPP
  • Strengthen the commitment to yourself and pursue your friends on board to meet the quota of 30 percent
  • Oversee the program in accordance tupoksi MDGs in the legislative
  • The next scheduled training can mengadaan
  • Conduct a discussion about the Law of political parties that lead to women’s interests
  • Realizing the quota of 30 per cent of women in each political party officials, especially in the management of daily and increase the ability of women in various fields
  • Discussions with other women to unite, strengthen the presence of women in the program of action for both inputs to the policy of legislation, budgeting and control that must be done
  • Extend the network with fellow politicians and decision makers
  • Convening a further meeting with more specific issues
  • Socialization Act for the management of political parties and political party members are women