Book / Publication

Published: 23/09/2015

The Women’s Leadership Training Module is a guidebook based on a series of capacity building for women’s leadership held by Women Research Institute (WRI) in five selected areas, namely Padang, Deli Serdang, Mataram, Pekanbaru, and Jakarta. This is a follow-up from WRI’s 2012 research titled “Feminist Leaderships in Post-Authoritarian Indonesia in Influencing Social Movements and Its Correlation to the Improvement of Women’s Prosperity: A Case Study in 5 Regions.”
The research findings illustrate the numerous challenges that women’s organisations still face in realising their activities and programmes. Therefore, this leadership training module is published in order to make the advantages of WRI’s women’s leadership training felt more widely.

The training module consists of three sections: on gender perspective, on leadership, and on advocacy. These subjects were selected based on the consideration that their significance in enhancing one’s capability of advocating for women’s rights.

This guidebook also contains inspiring stories about women’s leadership as well as cases of gender injustice that are rampant in society. The objective is not only to support the learning process throughout the training but also to raise the participants’ awareness and incite critical thinking through the stories’ learning exercises.

The training module is also complemented with a gender analysis framework which aims to help participants and readers map and analyse women’s issues in their respective jobs. It is hoped that this guide can be beneficial and implemented by every group that intends to make similar trainings.

Editors: Ayu Anastasia, Edriana Noerdin, Sekar Pireno KS and Sita Aripurnami
Publisher: Women Research Institute, 2015
Pages: x + 208 pages
ISBN: 978-602-9230-06-2


Panduan Pelatihan Kepemimpinan Perempuan_WRI_2015.pdf