2009 / Media / Media Coverage

Published: 22/01/2009

VIVAnews, Kamis, January 22, 2009
Siswanto, Mohammad Adam


VIVAnews – Women will have less chances at gaining seats at the House of Representatives (DPR). This results from major votes implementation in determining legislative candidates in the 2009 Legislative Elections.

“Female candidates who can exceed 10 percent of common denominator are 50 percent less than male candidates,” said Ani Sucipto, a lecturer of Social and Political Science Faculty of University of Indonesia, on Wednesday, January 21, during a discussion that Women Research Institute (WR) organized at the Indonesian Institute of Science (LIPI)’s office, South Jakarta.


Sucipto said that the higher the vote percentage of voter’s common denominator, the lesser the chance for female candidates to meet the requirement.

She added that based on the 2004 Elections, female candidates could only obtain below 10 percent of voter’s common denominator. Meanwhile, male candidate commonly exceeded 10 percent of the common denominator. ***